About the Group Leader/Facilitator: Deana Riley, LPC, is a seasoned therapist and practice owner with over 36 years of experience in multiple clinical modalities and professional settings. She’s gifted at giving compassionate, honest support/feedback and facilitating healthy group dynamics. She values the crucial need for all competent counselors to have a place to get both personal support and clinical/professional feedback. She participates in her own consultation groups to stay clinically sharp, relevant and healthy.
Purpose: This group is for therapist who want a place to consult with other therapists to sharpen their clinical skills, get support for issues regarding self as therapist, get feedback from other practitioners about specific cases and business development issues, increase self care and professional competency by breaking the isolation inherent in our profession, and build bonds with other therapist who understand the stressors unique to our role as mental health providers.
Who: Licensed Counselors from all disciplines (LPC’s, LMFT’s, Psychologists)
This group is not for clinical supervision hours for licensure
When: One Thursday each month from 1:00 - 3:00 pm (1-2 pm until over 3 participants)
Where: Virtual using ZOOM Platform
More Details: Maximum group size: 6 members
Closed group, new members will only join when a spot opens after the 6 group
maximum is met
Investment: $100 for 30 minute consult to assess if a match for group
$100 a month for each month for 1-2 hour group (depending on # of participants)
(Participants place a card on file used to submit for the fee each month)
First Step: Contact Margo, our Administrative Assistant to complete the participant application and schedule your 30 minute session to assess whether this group is the right fit for you!